Family Vacation.....So all of you who are familiar with my beautiful wife, and her slightly less hysterical, yet far more historically accurate blog, know that we went on a really long in miles and very short in time road trip. And that, my friends, is the lead candidate for run-on sentence of the year.
Anyway, my wife has a great blog at, check it out. As for our trip, it rocked. We saw an aircraft carrier, a grundle of wild animals, and had a waitress that threw bubblegum and straws at us. We drove 2000 miles, and yet only averaged 3.6 miles per hour for an hour and a half, going through Baker, CA. We ate the absolute best "spicy fried pickles" of all time. We saw Saturn, Pleiads and Orion. We listened to #10 seed Davidson barely lose to #1 seed Kansas, at the buzze. Then, later, watched Kansas win the national championship. (Wouldn't it be cool if it would have been Davidson)? We sat in vintage WWII planes and saw the Pacific ocean. We ate authentic Italian pizza, in an authentic Italian restaurant, served by an authentic Italian waiter in not so authentic Little Italy. We saw real ghosts in a real ghost town and ate really hot cinnamon candy and really bad but really expensive fudge. We got hotel rooms for really cheap using ($39 including breakfast). I'm pretty sure we did more, but after the 14 hour drive home I am still in need of a really long, real vacation.
I love my wife, I love my daughters and as a general rule, I love women. (Although I think I am wise in excluding my girlfriend and concubines from this conversation). I will drop an excerpt here from a comment I left on my beautiful sister in law's blog last week.
Let me tell you something. I uhhh, well, maybe ummmm, OK, I don't understand a bit. This is what I know about it. There are a lot of things that happen once a month that put me in a less than happy position. The mortgage comes due, Alimony, Home Teaching (wink), You know, all the un-pleasantries of life that constantly reappear. There are seasonal things. Weeds, quarterly taxes, another disappointing season for the Redskins. But there is NO THING like that time of the month. I can understand all the other stuff. But a Period and the unpredictable (to say the least) hormone swings that accompany it......AHHHHH. What is a man supposed to do? I mean lets face it, although Brandon is a great guy, he isn't perfect. But, I on the other hand, am. The perfect husband, everyone would agree, (my ex excluded of course). How can a man like me ever deserve the uneasiness that I feel for 5-6 days out of every month? It's not fair. I mean we are talking approximately 15% of my married life spent wondering if the next thing I say might get my sorry butt thrown on the couch for the night. The answer....well, there doesn't appear to be one. So, I will say this, Brandon, you're most likely doing great and that vortex you speak of is filled with seemingly great husbands swirling around trying to catch their breath. Now, with all of that being said and realizing that this is not my blog, I will finish by saying this. All of the above references to pain and monthly discomfort are only memories now of my previous marriage. Of course my beautiful, perfect wife Kimberlee would never put me in such a position. Every day of every month is yet another day in paradise. Much love....Jared "
So, there you have it. I have three perfect women, whom I love, living with me..... and there is never a problem with hormones at all.
Thanks for any comments and for your love and support of my beautiful family.
Brandon's Birthday
8 years ago
You just described every vacation that my family has taken (except for the awesome trips to Hawaii). We love you guys, and I am glad to have a great brother-in-law.
My dear, sweet husband:
You are so fantastic. And your blog is so accurate....hormones? What hormones? NOT in OUR family! You've got to be kidding.....yes, bliss is what we have....all the time!
I love you!
You won the prize for best comment left on a blog ever. I laughed for days about fact, I still am. You got a double dose of wit and charm, I might add...and for that I will always think highly of you...even if you are short :)
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