1. So incredibly happy that I am not a woman. I respect women so much. This whole birth control, no birth control, period, no period, really long, moody, painful period, emotional roller coaster, child birth, sacrificing your body for the sake of child birth and nursing children.....oh and does the list not go on and on? The good Lord just plain made it simple for a man. (Except He did get us back a bit when He decided to let us men try to deal with the emotions of these fantastic women but then forgot to equip us with any actual ability to do so.)
2. Amazingly happy that I get to coach all four of my kids in city rec basketball this year. This has been the highlight of my week for the last several weeks. All four of them try so hard and play so well and not only do I get to coach my kids, but I get to coach a whole lot of other great kids too. Awesome.
3. Happy that I get to do radio every Saturday. I have wanted to be a DJ since I was a teenager. Sure, I don't get to spin CD's by Dream Theater or King's X, but I got it even better than that. I mean, I get an hour every week to spout pretty much whatever I want, to whoever is willing to listen. My own personal soapbox. What a rush. I love it.
4. Thrilled that I get to do what I love to do all day long. I get to sell product that I understand and completely believe in. I get to formulate products that people say very wonderful things about, just like Joanie did in her list. I get to do marketing ( I am obsessed with marketing). I get to create and be creative almost every single day, whether it be a new label or a whole new brand. I get to work with people who love what we do and work for people (my customers) who come back and tell me how much of a difference what I do makes in their lives.
5. Spoiled by the fact that after I am done loving what I do, that I get to go home almost every night to those people who I do it for. I get to love my life dang near 24/7. Work (love it), Coach kids (love it), Assistant Scout Master (love it), play with my kids (love them), Snuggle my wife and go to sleep(LOVE IT).....and then I get to do it all over again.
6. Emotional sometimes when I think about how awful things seemed only about two years ago and yet now I make lists like this and if I went into more detail, the list could be a whole lot longer. A whole lot longer.
7. Even more emotional when I realize that my Bishop was right when he said that there was a young woman being prepared for me even during my separation and divorce. Little did I know that I would find her so quickly. I guess being a self starter who can't sit still really paid off this time.
8. Sure, I still have to do paperwork and manage a schedule and a lot of the time I don't know exactly when I will have enough cash to pay the next bill. Yes, self employment has its challenges, but would I have it any other way? Are you stinkin' nuts?
I love my life, I love my happiness and I love my Lord for giving it all to me.
Brandon's Birthday
8 years ago