Hey all who care. This is a very exclusive blog for a few reasons, not the least of which is that those who care are a very select group. I owe Joanie Koplin for the inspiration to do this. I have now read, and enjoyed several of her blogs. I will warn you in advance that I am not nearly as gifted a writer as she is. My grammar is fantastic compared to the average eight year old. I tend to use a lot of words to get my point across, and I find my life fascinating weather you do or not.
Now, depending on who you are, a lot has happened since we last talked. For instance, I used to have one wife and two kids. Now I have one ex-wife, one wife, and four kids. I used to be my best friend's boss at Vitality Nutrition, and now he is my boss at RidgeCrest Herbals. That sounds like I have been demoted, but in actuality, I am the one who got him the job interview. One of the best things that has happened to me over the last year has been working with Will again. We only get to work together on Wednesdays but in the spirit of conservation and conversation, we car pool three days a week. I guess this is where I will start. WORK. I love work. I love working for myself at Vitality, and I love working at RidgeCrest Herbals. For those who are unclear on what I do there, I am the Product Developer. This basically consists of finding a need in the nutritional supplement marketplace and creating a product to fill that need. My first formula for RidgeCrest, Hair Revive for Women was an interesting choice for me. Unless you haven't seen me since my mission, you are well aware that I AM BALD. I am proudly bald, I am ridiculously attractive without hair, so I never have been bothered by it. That being said, it is a bit strange for a bald guy to stake his product development reputation on a product for balding women. No worries, it is the second highest producing formula for RidgeCrest after only two years on the market.
Hair Revive did so well that the powers that be at RidgeCrest have been convinced to produce more new formulas to the tune of about 4 per year for the foreseeable future. I currently have three under development. Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety Relief and a formula for UTI's that will be used for prevention, and to knock those buggers out. The Anxiety relief will be most helpful now that I have an ex-wife and four kids. Thankfully I have no need for the UTI formula at this time.
One thing about me is that I don't seem to ever have less than 15 irons in the fire at one time. So besides being a newlywed, inheriting two beautiful children, and developing three new formulas for RidgeCrest, I also have a 1000 foot expansion underway at Vitality. It seems that people really like Earth Shoes. So, a risky move a couple of years ago to sell shoes in my health food store has paid off. Problem is, now I am going to become demolition man for the next few weeks while we tear down walls. When it is all done though, it will give us some much needed space, and a true "shoe store" feel in the back of the shop.
Enough about work. For those of you who lasted this long......here is the best part. My family. For a year or so I had a simple little family of three. Lily and Bridger were, and still are, angels for me. They helped me so much with getting through our rough patch. I hope I was as helpful to them, as they were to me, after their mom left. One thing I learned from being single was that I really didn't like it much. I actually played the field quite a bit for a single dad. I am an opportunist, and a bit of a risk taker. Basically, when I see what I want, I go and get it. Luckily for me I found what I wanted very quickly, and she is amazing. She obviously has developed exquisite taste in men over the last three years. My wife, Kimberlee, is truly my match. We have just enough in common when it comes to likes and dislikes. For instance, I love Heavy Rock Music, she loves Broadway. I love football, and she loves playing the piano. I love sitting down, and relaxing to almost anything the History channel is showing, she loves working hard at accomplishing something at all times. I love really good food.......and so does she. And isnt that all that really matters?
Really, she is everything I need, and she says the same thing about me. Whiles she could learn to relax a little, I could learn to make better use of my time. While she is extremely organized, I am......wow, I am.....mmmmmm let's just say less that way. We have almost identical feeling on raising children, and mine love her, and hers love me. In fact, I think I get more hugs from Felicity than I do from Lily. Life as a newly wed with new kids has been challenging but actually easier than ever expected. Malachi and Bridger are like long lost twins in so many ways. Felicity and Lily are certainly opposites in many ways, but they are getting a long very well now. We hear less and less complaining about this brother or that sister, and more and more sharing and playing together without problems. Life is good. We have been exceptionally blessed in our new life together.
Who knew that one wife, one ex wife, and four beautiful kids could be this good? Stay tuned for more super exciting adventures in the life of Jared. Future blogs will include seemingly crazy business ideas, small talk about fantasy football and possibly a small glimpse into my bedroom. (Where we plan to get a new HDTV) Till then......
Peace, Love and Football!
Brandon's Birthday
8 years ago
Wow! I am honored.
Honored to be the first individual to comment on the birth of your blog but the one who (you claim) inspired you!
I will forever be an avid fan and reader of your blog simply because you like me (or at least you like my blog)! haha.
Love to you and your beautiful, darling family.
You are amazing! Love the blog, love our children, and love our life!
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