Thinking about things lately, and thinking some of you just might want a run of the mill update. You see, I have a hard time just writing in my blog for the sake of writing what's going on. I prefer to write some long tirade about babies or Broadway. I especially refrain from writing about things that I don't think I can make funny. But.....I have a lot going on in my life right now so I will attempt to fill you in, and at the same time be funny and insightful (well, funny anyway).
Having fun with:
1. Adding 1000 square feet of space for a measly $15,000 in construction costs.
2. Matching up a slate floor that already exists with a brand new slate floor.
3. Watching 2 well trained employees leave in the same week, and hire and train 4 new employees in the same month.
4. Realizing that when I am at Vitality for 60 or so hours per week that sales increase dramatically.
5. Wishing that when I was away from Vitality that sales wouldn't decrease so dramatically.
6. Substantially enjoying my opportunity to be a radio show personality, and realizing that some people actually love to hear me talk. Who'da thunk it?
7. More than anything, I have come to the realization that I absolutely love what I do, and that I am extremely blessed to feel that way about how I support my family. Thanks Mom and Dad for showing me the ropes, and allowing me to take over the family business.
Not funny yet huh? Well, it might not be...for whatever reason I just don't feel it tonight. Sorry.
RidgeCrest Herbals
1. Before you laugh at my typing skills....RidgeCrest IS one word.
2. My first formula for RC was Hair Revive. A clever product for a bald guy huh? Alright enough of the snickering. It is for women who are losing hair and it works. I get love letters about this stuff. Anyway, Hair Revive is now officially the second best selling product at RidgeCrest after the ClearLungs family (also one word).
3. Products number 2 and 3 are launching faster than any product in company history, Adrenal Fatigue Fighter is a big hit already, and has made it on the shelves of the Vitamin Shoppe chain, nationwide. Anxiety and Adrenal have been picked up by most of our major distributors and some big catalogs. I believe that both of them will eventually outsell Hair Revive.
4. My newest formula is for UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) and should launch by years end. I actually think it may beat the other three out in sales.
5. what I do and am very blessed to have the opportunity to do it....and make money to boot.
Side projects:
1. My new line that I have been working on is very close to seeing the store shelves.
2. I am knee-deep in new ideas for private label projects, too bad I have absolutely no time to get them rolling. I hope to nail a couple new formulas down by years end though.
3. My formula for Myogenix is selling well. It is called Liver Fix and is a powerful liver cleanser designed not only to detoxify but also enhance liver function. Kim has been using it and it has just about eliminated her migraines.
Our home and family:
1. What can I say? My wife does so much around here it is absolutely amazing. Our house looks better by the week, and on the side she has found time to help out a whole lot at the store.
2. Malachi asked me today if he could call me dad. I told him that he could " me dad, daddy, daddio or any other name that means dad." He replied "ok, can I call you padre?" That's was pretty funny....but more than anything it was really awesome to hear him say that he wants to call me DAD. What an honor that less than a year after I married him mom, he feels comfortable enough to call me dad. He is a heck of a kid, and I am thrilled at how our relationship has grown. Felicity is also becoming more and more comfortable with me......however, it is coming a little more matter, I can wait.
3. All in all, as I approach June 29th(my one year anniversary with Kimberlee), I look back in awe at how amazing my life is. Yes, I have been through a lot over the last few years. Did I have any inkling that I would come out of it feeling so amazingly lucky, blessed, fortunate? Absolutely not. I find myself wondering what I have done to deserve this. But then, maybe I shouldn't, I dont want to jinx it.
4. Stay tuned.....cause I am confident there is more to come.
Thanks to all who comment and love and care about me and mine.
till next time..........
Brandon's Birthday
8 years ago
And you thought I was busy???!!! Who knew? I love you. Glad things are moving forward in all the right areas....
Jared, can I just say that I think you're awesome and I'm so glad that you and Kim have found each other. Life still has its bumps, but you two seem to have things going very well and in the right direction. :) Thanks for loving my dear dear friend. :)
Don't feel lame about a simple update. I am glad to hear about all your projects, herbal creations, etc. It sounds like you are keeping more than busy...and even keeping up with that lovely wife of yours.
ps...congrats on earning the love/respect of Malachi. I'm not surprised one bit about it, though. He is a blessed little boy to have you as his example/friend/father.
Still awaiting a witty remark from you...
You love your job, you love your family, happiness seems to be par for the guys deserve it. Enjoy it and don't stop being grateful for the blessings in your life. This is how life is meant to be lived. Happy father's day!
Time for a new post, my friend.
Well Jared I have enjoyed reading the current and past posts. I am happy to know you so well as it is a pleasure to read your humorous exchanges.
But I am hoping to hear something while your in Europe. Maybe perhaps , that Lily is getting another brother--anything would be fine though.
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